3 Reason why you should know about Notion

A week ago I was introduced to NOTION an amazing note taking app that I can’t believe is free. 

I first found it through Ali Abdaal youtube channel where he talks about his favorite note taking app.

I have used it for almost a week now and have been constantly updating it on a daily basis. I spent an entire day setting up all the templates and finally have something that I am satisfied with for now.. I am still constantly experimenting and adding / removing things because let’s not kid ourselves.. it’s only be a week and I am by no means and expert yet. 

Take it for what it’s worth I am going to share 3 reason why I cannot stop raving about Notion

1) It is available on ALL platforms

Accessible on a Mac / Windows, you can download the program to yourself or just use it of the internet browser. I also highly recommend you get the mobile version which is available on both IOS & Android

Everything just syncs seamlessly and the time it takes to update is almost instant which is quite amazing. 

2) There are many free templates that you can use as inspiration to create your own personalised Notion. 

These templates are created by Notion themselves or other kind Notion users that you can duplicate and use as your own. it’s good to see how others are using it and whether it can be adapted to what works for me.

Here are some of the ones that I really like 

- Resonance Calendar (Help you keep track of all the reading materials that you come across and store it all in one place)

- Habit Tracker (A simple table that lets you track all the habits you’re trying to keep)

- Budget Tracker (Track all day to day expenses) 

- Video creator template (Tracks the workflow of creating a youtube video from start to finish) I don’t actually use this but it was too cool not to share.

3) The search function just works

As Ali mentioned in one of his articles, he uses it as his “second brain” which I thought was quite apt at describing Notion. 

You can create different colour marked “Hashtags” like that one I created on one of my expenses template. For every purchase I use a tag to remember the reason I bought it and the category of the product.

a) With the tags in place, I can easily filter what I want to see. So in the case below I just want to see “boardgames” so I search for “board and Notion in real time filters to only the records that contain “board” in it. 

b) Global search is also available on the entire Notion App. Using the Quick Find button you can search for keywords and Notion will search the entire app to find anything that starts with the word “Habit” for example. 

I know I said 3 reason but here’s the most important one of all.. 

4) Emoji! 

Who doesn’t want to add some colour and emotion into their notes? 

Have a great day everyone. 

Using Format